The final meeting for the Eco-Tourism project took place in Lisbon on February 18th and 19th. We met our Estonian, Romanian and Portuguese partners to evaluate and assess our successful project in the beautiful capital of Portugal.

The Project
‘Eco-Tourism for Social Entrepreneurship Health and Well-Being Among Youth‘ is a KA210 youth project that aims to empower young people in rural and urban communities to engage with their green areas and take innovative action towards fighting climate change through the promotion of ecotourism.
The project involves young people and youth organisations from Estonia, Ireland, Portugal and Romania, which will be involved in local activities, webinars and 2 mobilties. During the project, a booklet, a website and an app will also be created.
The project has a Facebook page and Instagram page updated with all ongoing and scheduled activities.

The Meeting
Our final meeting in Lisbon started with an assessment of Phase 2 of the project and the evaluation of the results created. Together with our partners, we also brainstormed how we could further use the innovative tools designed to empower young people and communities in our own current and new local initiatives. We ended the meeting with the preparation for the final report, conducting a final evaluation of the overall project implementation and partner collaboration.

What’s Next?
The project came to an end, but our initiatives for local young people continue! Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages for updates on upcoming events and activities for young people in Dublin and online!