Inclusive Teaching – Inclusive Classrooms for All

Course Description

As educational institutions continue to grow and diversify, the importance of inclusive teaching practices has come into the spotlight. Course climate has a significant impact on students and their learning, so it is crucial for faculty and administrators to understand how to create an equitable learning environment for all students. However, this can be difficult to achieve because the course climate is made up of many different factors, such as student-student interactions, teacher-student interactions, course content and policies. Even though inclusive teaching is beneficial for all students, the reality is that these issues are not often discussed in a practical way.

In this course, participants will explore various aspects of inclusive teaching, such as creating a fair and welcoming classroom environment, incorporating accessible and inclusive instructional methods and assessments, and selecting and implementing diverse course material. They will engage with key concepts in inclusive teaching with experts sharing their valuable research on topics such as student development, microaggressions, stereotype threat, and Universal Design for Learning. By the end of the course, participants will have acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to develop inclusive courses that support all learners.

Course Content

  • Assess instructor assumptions about students and how these assumptions affect teaching practices
  • Evaluate the importance of critical self-reflection in teaching diverse learners
  • Recognise the key components that affect inclusive classrooms
  • Implement inclusive teaching strategies in specific teaching contexts
  • Identify the resources required to continually improve inclusive teaching practice

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course delegates will be able to:

  • Identify instructor assumptions about students and how these assumptions impact teaching practices
  • Develop an awareness of critical self-reflection and its value in teaching diverse learners
  • Define the key components that impact inclusive classrooms
  • Apply inclusive teaching strategies in individual teaching contexts
  • Identify resources needed to continually improve inclusive teaching practice

Assessment and Certificates

Assessment of performance will be through delegate-completed portfolio of work. The final course certification for successful completion is a college-issued “Course Certificate of Completion”, for each module studied. In addition, where applicable, delegates will receive relevant EuroPass certificates.