Course Description
A recent study by the Education Support Partnership found that 80% of teachers reported feeling stressed at work. This was exacerbated by the recent pandemic and the effects of managing their classrooms in challenging circumstances.
Stress management is important for teachers because they are often in high-stress situations. They may have to deal with difficult students or parents or have to teach in challenging environments. If teachers can manage their stress, they will be able to better handle these situations.
This stress management for teachers training course will provide educators with the knowledge and tools needed to manage stress in their professional and personal lives. The course will cover the causes and effects of stress, as well as effective stress management techniques.
Course Content
- Introduction to stress management
- The sources of stress for teachers
- The impact of stress on teachers
- The importance of managing stress
- Techniques for managing stress
- Meditation & relaxation techniques for teachers
- Time management for teachers
- Dealing with difficult situations
- Support systems for teachers
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course delegates will be able to:
- Better identify personal stressors
- Develop coping mechanisms
- Create a personal stress management plan
- Identify signs of stress in others
- Effectively manage stress in the classroom
Assessment and Certificates
Assessment of performance will be through delegate-completed portfolio of work. The final course certification for successful completion is a college-issued “Course Certificate of Completion”, for each module studied. In addition, where applicable, delegates will receive relevant EuroPass certificates.