Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU

Final Meeting In Lisbon ONSTAGE

ON S.T.A.G.E. Erasmus+ Project | Final Meeting in Lisbon

Our team just came back from the final meeting in Lisbon of the project “Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU” (ON S.T.A.G.E), held on February 21st and 22nd. We met again with our partners from Germany Greece, and Portugal to reflect on the project’s journey, finalise its legacy, and bring this forward with a new proposal! The project ‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ (ON S.T.A.G.E) is a KA210 youth project designed to empower young people (aged 18-30) in Germany, Ireland, Greece and Portugal to engage with political issues through theatre. It aims to promote civic engagement among disadvantaged youth, especially for those from ethnic minority backgrounds. They will develop critical citizenship skills and be encouraged to advocate for change by voting in the European elections, increasing their social participation. The projects included local activities and 2 youth mobilities in Greece and Germany. Partners created useful resources, including a project website, a Guidebook on participation in the EU elections for youth and Youth worker Toolkit on youths’ socio-political inclusion. The project has a Facebook page and Instagram page updated with all activities and links to resources. Day 1: Solidifying Impact & Evaluating the Project The first day of our final meeting in Lisbon centered on evaluating the project’s outcomes, particularly its success in empowering young people from ethnic minority backgrounds to engage with political issues through creative expression. Partners reviewed the completion of key resources, including the Youth Worker Toolkit for Socio-Political Inclusion and the Guidebook on Participation in EU Elections—practical free tools designed to equip youth with the skills to advocate for change and participate actively in democracy that can be found on the project website. We carried our a detailed assessment of the project’s local activities and two youth mobilities in Greece and Germany, where participants used theatre workshops to explore themes like voting rights, social justice, and EU citizenship, resulting in two performance videos. Partners analysed feedback from these mobilities, noting increased confidence among participants to voice their opinions and engage in civic processes. We also mapped out strategies to ensure the long-term sustainability of resources, such as integrating the toolkit into our youth initiatives and promoting the guidebook ahead of local elections. The day concluded with collaborative preparations for the final report and fruitful discussion on the main features of a follow-up project. Day 2: Cultural Exploration On the second day, we got the chance to explore Lisbon together, consolidating even more our already strong connection that brought this project to life. Curtain Call? Not Quite! While this TPM marks the formal close of this Erasmus+ project, the spotlight remains on youth-driven impact. Partners will host final local activities this spring to ensure the tools reach even more young people. Discussions are already underway for future collaborations to expand the project’s reach, proving that the stage for social change is only growing bigger. Follow our Facebook and Instagram for updates on our upcoming initiatives for young people in Dublin and online!

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Amplify Marginalised Voices: Educational Tools for Ethnic Minorities Youth Civic Inclusion

Are you working with young people from ethnic minorities? We have created a range of engaging creative tools to support youth workers and educators in fostering youth civic inclusion and more inclusive communities. From guidebooks to theatre-based workshops, discover how these materials can enhance civic and social engagement in young people from ethnic minorities, providing them a safe and creative space to express their voices in their communities. Guidebook on Youth Democratic Participation: Equip Youth to Vote, Advocate, and Lead Many young people—especially from ethnic minorities—feel disconnected from politics. The Guidebook on Youth’s Participation in EU Elections bridges this gap with practical tools and information. The Guidebook is divided into 7 chapters. They can be used by: Youth Worker Toolkit: Foster Inclusion with Theatre & Advocacy Marginalised youth often face systemic barriers to political and civic participation. Our Youth Worker Toolkit on Socio-Political Inclusion provides non-formal, theatre-based methods to foster empathy, leadership, and advocacy. Videos: Stories of Empathy & Empowerment During the ONSTAGE project, we have shot some original and inspiring performance videos with young people during our two mobilities in Greece and Germany. The performances were created by young people, and they blend art and activism to spark conversations about inclusion and democracy. Project Website: Hub for Resource Download and Youth Project Inspiration You can download or view all resources on the ON S.T.A.G.E Project Website. The website is also a great place to find more information about our ONSTAGE project, a great example of a successfull youth project that you can implement in your local area or with international partners under the Erasmus+ Programme. Feel free to reach out to us for a collaboration or simply to learn more about the sessions we run, the methods we used and any other information you need to create an impactful youth project! The Project ‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ (ON S.T.A.G.E) is a KA210 youth project designed to empower young people (aged 18-30) in Germany, Ireland, Greece and Portugal to engage with political issues through theatre. It aimed to promote youth civic inclusion among disadvantaged youth, especially for those from ethnic minority backgrounds. They developped critical citizenship skills and advocated for change by voting in the European elections, increasing their social participation. The projects included local activities and 2 youth mobilities in Greece and Germany. Partners created useful resources, including a project website, a Guidebook on participation in the EU elections for youth and Youth worker Toolkit on youths’ socio-political inclusion.

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ONSTAGE mobility in Germany on minorities discrimination

Youth Mobility On Theatre and Minorities Discrimination in Germany | Erasmus+ ON S.T.A.G.E. Project

We spent a great creative week in Berlin for our Erasmus+ ON STAGE Project last October! We were hosted by our German coordinator Alrahallah Theater Berlin from the 13th to the 17st October to shoot the second theatre performance of the project. Combining social theatre and discussions about inclusion and minorities discrimination in our societies, we came up with an original play to talk about the importance of showing empathy and kindness in our everyday life to change biases and make life better for everyone in our community. The project ‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ (ON S.T.A.G.E) is a KA210 youth project designed to empower young people (aged 18-30) in Germany, Ireland, Greece and Portugal to engage with political issues through theatre. It aims to promote civic engagement among disadvantaged youth, especially for those from ethnic minority backgrounds. They will develop critical citizenship skills and be encouraged to advocate for change by voting in the European elections, increasing their social participation. The projects included local activities and 2 youth mobilities in Greece and Germany. Partners created useful resources, including a project website, a Guidebook on participation in the EU elections for youth and Youth worker Toolkit on youths’ socio-political inclusion. The project has a Facebook page and Instagram page updated with all activities and links to resources. DAY 1 – 13th October On the first day, we got to know each other through theatre-based team building activities. We then focussed on theatre techniques, especially body language, to set the scene for the rest of the week. DAY 2 – 14th October On the second day, participants worked on the theme of the mobility and the play, which was introduced during the pre-departure online workshops. They shared experiences and view points on nowadays society’s oppressors and oppressed. They also discussed today’s social problems across Europe, including minorities discrimination. From this, they drew the theme of the stage performance. DAY 3 – 15th October On the third day, participants worked on the story and got an introduction to social theatre. They decided their roles and worked on building the initial connection to their characters. DAY 4 – 16th October On the fourth day, the group rehearsed the main performance. They also got the chance to explore Berlin, passing by the main landmarks of the city. DAY 5 – 17th October On the fifth and last day, teh group shot the video of the final performance! You can find it on Youtube (link here). We finished off the day with a collective reflection on the experience, where participants shared their feedback and emotions felt throughout the week. What’s next? The next phase of the project includes online and in-person events in all partner countries to present the project resources. They will also be available for free to use and download. For more information on these and other opportunities for young people coming soon, check our Facebook and Instagram pages!

Youth Mobility On Theatre and Minorities Discrimination in Germany | Erasmus+ ON S.T.A.G.E. Project Read More »

Youth Mobility On Theatre and EU Elections in Greece | Erasmus+ ON S.T.A.G.E. Project

What a creative week we just spent combining puppet theatre and discussions about the EU elections in Greece! We were hosted by our Greek partner Prasin Aloga from the 17th to the 21st April to shoot the first theatre performance of the Erasmus+ ONSTAGE project. We came up with an original story to talk about the importance of expressing our voices and convince more young people to vote for the European Elections this June! The project ‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ (ON S.T.A.G.E) is a KA210 youth project designed to empower young people (aged 18-30) in Germany, Ireland, Greece and Portugal to engage with political issues through theatre. It aims to promote civic engagement among disadvantaged youth, especially for those from ethnic minority backgrounds. They will develop critical citizenship skills and be encouraged to advocate for change by voting in the European elections, increasing their social participation. The projects includes local activities and 2 youth mobilities in Greece and Germany. Partners will create useful resources, including a project website, a Guidebook on participation in the EU elections for youth and Youth worker Toolkit on youths’ socio-political inclusion. The project has a Facebook page and Instagram page updated with all ongoing and scheduled activities. DAY 1 – 17th April On the first day, we met to start finalising the story we drafted during the online theatre preparation sessions. Each participant also had the chance to create their own puppet character from scratch under the guidance of our Greek expert partner. DAY 2 – 18th April On the second day, participants worked on their connection to their character and found its space in the story. They also practised how to move the puppet on stage, making it look as natural as possible in its movements and finding a way to express their emotions and voices through its presence on the stage. In the afternoon, we got the chance to explore Athens! We visited the stunning Acropolis, walked in streets of the ancient city and browsed around the ancient Agora! For many of us, this was a memorable moment, as we explored the places where our contemporary ideas of democracy and politics discussed during the local activities and online sessions stemmed from. DAY 3 – 19th April On the third day, the group rehearsed the main performance! Participants created their small dialogues and got the chance to test the story, bringing their puppets finally alive and interacting with each other. DAY 4 – 20th April On the forth day, we shot the video of the final performance! Participants also got the chance to express their preferences on the background music and the outro for the final product. We also got the chance to learn more about our countries thanks to the cultural night! We tried a little bit of everything, from the Irish dance to the Portuguese karaoke, passing by Greek olives and cheese and German tong twisters! DAY 5 – 21st April On the fifth and last day, we had a collective reflection on the experience, where participants shared their feedback and emotions felt throughout the week. We also had our certificate ceremony and participants got to learn more about the Youthpass certificate. What about the theatre performance story? Are you curious to see what young people came up with during the week? We will release and promote the final video on our upcoming webinar on June 20th at 5:30pm (Irish time)! Get in touch to receive the link! Sneak peak: it includes spiders, giants, ghosts and a flying character! How is this related to democracy and the EU elections? It’s up to you to find out! What’s next? The next phase of the project includes the finalisation of the project’s Guidebook on Youth Participation in the European Elections. This includes information on ethnic minorities struggles and non-formal methods for youth workers to address and discuss these topics and the youth involvement in the EU elections. It will be available for free to use and download! More information coming soon on our Facebook and Instagram! The project will continue with the preparation of the second and final mobility, planned for October 2024. We will fly to Germany and interact on a stage theatre! Are you interested in taking part? We are looking for 3 participants willing to travel and experiment with stage theatre! Sign up here to take part and contact us to get more information!

Youth Mobility On Theatre and EU Elections in Greece | Erasmus+ ON S.T.A.G.E. Project Read More »

Kicking Off the Erasmus+ Youth Project on Theatre and EU Elections in Ireland

We had an exicting time hosting the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ youth project on theatre and the Eu elections in Ireland! On the 10th and 11th of January, we met our partners from Germany, Greece and Portugal to organise the activities planned for the first 9 months of the ON STAGE project! The project ‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ (ON S.T.A.G.E) is a KA210 youth project designed to empower young people (aged 18-30) in Germany, Ireland, Greece and Portugal to engage with political issues through theatre. It aims to promote civic engagement among disadvantaged youth, especially for those from ethnic minority backgrounds. They will develop critical citizenship skills and be encouraged to advocate for change by voting in the European elections, increasing their social participation. The projects includes local activities and 2 youth mobilities in Greece and Germany. Partners will create useful resources, including a project website, a Guidebook on participation in the EU elections for youth and Youth worker Toolkit on youths’ socio-political inclusion. The project has a Facebook page and Instagram page updated with all ongoing and scheduled activities. The meeting – Day 1 The first meting day of our project on theatre and the Eu elections in Ireland started with partners introducing their work with youth. We also provided an overview of the upcoming project activities and partners’ roles, consolidating the project’s objectives and expected results. We moved on discussing the effective strategies to reach the target group and involve them in the local youth activities. These will support the creation of the practical “Guidebook on participation in the EU elections for youth”. We also agreed on set dates for the online theatre sessions and the first youth mobility in April in Greece. The meeting ended with an exchange of good practices and a plan for dissemination and collaboration. The meeting – Day 2 The second day started with a cultural tour of Dublin! We explored the city centre, passing by the city centre and the main city landmarks. We ended the day with a visit to the famous Jameson Distillery! The meeting helped us set the groundwork for the project’s success! We look forward to start preparing young people for the forthcoming European elections through theatre! Are you curious about the project and would like to take part? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, we will soon post information on how to sign up!

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‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ Project Approved!

We are proud to announce that the Erasmus+ project ‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ has been approved! About The Project ‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ (ON S.T.A.G.E) is a project designed to empower young people to engage with political issues through theatre. It aims to promote civic engagement among disadvantaged youth from ethnic minority backgrounds and those facing economic, geographical and cultural obstacles. They will develop critical citizenship skills and be encouraged to advocate for change by voting in the European elections, increasing their social participation. Aims and Objectives ON S.T.A.G.E. aims to empower young people as political actors, create accessible materials for the 2024 EU elections and promote social inclusion of marginalised youth and ethnic minorities in the national and EU political process. The project also aims to promote democratic culture and awareness in the EU. Project Activities The project includes two theatre-based LTTAs in Greece (Athens) and Germany (Berlin), during which participants will develop and showcase their creativity by writing, performing and recording their productions. Additionally, there will be a range of local activities addressing socio-political issues affecting youth, as well as webinars and multiplier events. The Partners Project Duration ⏱ 18 months 📆 Start date: 01.10.2023 📆 End date: 31.03.2025 Programme Details Programme: Erasmus+ Project Reference: 2023-1-DE04-KA210-YOU-000158862 Key Action: KA210-YOU small scale National Agency: DE04 – JUGEND für Europa

‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ Project Approved! Read More »