We are proud to announce that the Erasmus+ project ‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ has been approved!
About The Project
‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ (ON S.T.A.G.E) is a project designed to empower young people to engage with political issues through theatre. It aims to promote civic engagement among disadvantaged youth from ethnic minority backgrounds and those facing economic, geographical and cultural obstacles. They will develop critical citizenship skills and be encouraged to advocate for change by voting in the European elections, increasing their social participation.

Aims and Objectives
ON S.T.A.G.E. aims to empower young people as political actors, create accessible materials for the 2024 EU elections and promote social inclusion of marginalised youth and ethnic minorities in the national and EU political process. The project also aims to promote democratic culture and awareness in the EU.
Project Activities
The project includes two theatre-based LTTAs in Greece (Athens) and Germany (Berlin), during which participants will develop and showcase their creativity by writing, performing and recording their productions. Additionally, there will be a range of local activities addressing socio-political issues affecting youth, as well as webinars and multiplier events.
The Partners

- Alrahallah Theater Berlin (Germany)
- Prasin Aloga (Greece)
- HESL (Ireland)
- For Citizens (Portugal)
Project Duration
⏱ 18 months
📆 Start date: 01.10.2023
📆 End date: 31.03.2025
Programme Details
Programme: Erasmus+
Project Reference: 2023-1-DE04-KA210-YOU-000158862
Key Action: KA210-YOU small scale
National Agency: DE04 – JUGEND für Europa