Shape Your Future

Shape your future Erasmus+ final event

Erasmus+ Event | Shape Your Future

On the 4th May 2023, we held our final event for the Erasmus+ Shape Your Future Project in Dublin! More than 30 participants took part and learned about the project resources and activities. The Project The Shape Your Future project was designed to help disadvantaged young people find opportunities in the labour market and develop entrepreneurial skills. The project also targeted youth workers and its resources helped them work with youth more effectively both in-person and online. The project involved 5 partner countries: Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Romania & Spain. It included the organisation of 5 mobilities for youth workers and young people as well as the creation of 3 resources: the platform, the mobile application for Apple and Android, and the booklet. The event 37 young people and youth workers from Ronanstown Youth Service and Lucan Youth Service took part in our Erasmus+ event last week. We started off by presenting the Erasmus+ programme, the project objectives, the local activities and the mobilities we organised during the project. We moved on to introducing the outupts and we asked them to test the resources created. They gave us very valuable feedback on usability, content and possible use at their youth centres. We are proud to announce that the Shape Your Future website and application was successful among participants. Young people were interested in the job and erasmus opportunities they found in the platform. Youth workers found the courses and the resources very useful for the activities with their cohort. We also distributed the booklet containing 40 non-formal activities for youth workers’ future sessions with young people. What’s next Although the Shape your Future has come to an end, the resources will be available online on the Shape Your Future Platform! You will find available job, volunteering and youth exchange opportunities from around Europe to apply for. You can also take 3 free courses on employability and entrepreneurship and download the booklet. We also have other upcoming mobilities and local activities as part of our Erasmus+ projects! Stay tuned on our FB page to take part in our opportunities, fully founded by the Erasmus+ Programme!

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Erasmus+ Shape Your Future – Final Meeting in Portugal

Last month, we met our partners at the 5th and final Erasmus meeting in Lisbon for the Shape Your Future Project! The Transnational Project Meeting was hosted by our Portuguese partner, the European Association of Young Educators, on the 24th and 25th of February 2023. The Project Shape Your Future is focused on the social inclusion of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and their integration into the labour market. The project also targets youth workers and responds to the challenges of working with youth online. The platform, application and booklet will help young people find existing work opportunities and develop their entrepreneurial skills. The Meeting Our Romanian coordinator kicked off the two-day meeting by introducing us to the Apple version of our mobile app. The app is now available on both Google Play Store and Apple store. On the app, young people can apply for and stay updated on work opportunities on the Shape Your Future Platform. After creating an account on the platform, you can also apply for the opportunities via the app more easily! We also planned the multiplier events that will take place in April in all partner countries. We will disseminate the project to a broader range of young people and youth workers and share results with stakeholders. We concluded the meeting by discussing the success of the online training course in January, which was organised by all partners and included many young people from each country. We also had the chance to discover the lovely city of Lisbon. We got to taste Lisbon food and experience Portuguese culture together. Despite this being our final erasmus meeting, the project resources will stay available online after the end of the project. We also have more opportunities coming up! So stay updated on our FB and instagram page to take part in future activities!

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Shape Your Future | Erasmus Online Employability Course

Our Online Employability Course was a great success! From the 30th of January to the 3rd of February, we co-hosted online sessions about employability, digital skills and entrepreneurship as part of the Erasmus+ Shape Your Future Project. More than 40 young people and youth workers from Ireland, Romania, Poland, Portugal and Spain took part! The Project The Shape Your Future project is designed to help disadvantaged young people find opportunities in the labour market and develop entrepreneurial skills. The project also targets youth workers and its resources help them work with youth more effectively both in-person and online. The project involves 5 partner countries: Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Romania & Spain.It includes the organisation of 5 mobilities for youth workers and young people as well as the creation of 3 resources: the platform, the mobile application for Apple and Android, and the booklet. Day 1 On the first day of our online employability course, our Romanian coordinator Youth Vision introduced the project, the partnership and the aims of the online sessions. They also gave an overview of the three project outputs. Our Spanish partner BB&R carried out the second part of the session on the topic of fake news and coding. Participants also had the opportunity to increrase their digital skills with some practical exercises. Day 2 The second day was lead by HESL, the Irish partner. Their sessions focussed on communication skills for successful job interviews. Young people learned successful tips to stand out as strong candidates and had the opportunity to do a mock interview. We created two free Test Exercises using the example videos filmed during our 2021 Job Shadowing in Dublin! Check out the first part here and make sure to try out the second part here . Day 3 On the third day, our Portuguese partner Young Educators – European Association delivered a very interesting session about job skills in the workplace. Thanks to thier engaging role-play games, participants practiced conflict resolution in work place simulations. The second part of the session focussed more on self-presentation and job interview role-plays to practice the skills learned so far. Day 4 The fourth day was dedicated to CV writing. Our Polish partner gave instructions and smart tips on how to write CV and resumé for job interviews. In the second part, young people practiced their writing skills by creating their CV on the Shape Your Future Platform. Day 5 On the fifth and final day, our Portuguese partner took the lead once again to deliever two sessions on soft skills and workers’ rights and duties. Young people had the chance to share their experiences and their dream jobs, as well as to learn more about rights at the workplace. Our Shape Your Future project is coming to an end soon but we have other projects you can take part in! Stay tuned on our Facebook page for upcoming opportunities!

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Employability Training Course Shape Your Future

Online Employability Training Course

Learn the skills you need to become job ready & succeed in the workplace with our employability training course! Do you have a job interview coming up and you’re looking for tips and activities to get prepared? Or have you just started a new job and want to improve your communication and job skills? We got you covered!  Our course is completely free and organised as part of the Erasmus+ Shape Your Future Project! The project The Shape Your Future project is designed to help disadvantaged young people find opportunities in the labour market and develop entrepreneurial skills. The project also targets youth workers and its resources help them work with youth more effectively both in-person and online.The project involves 5 partner countries: Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Romania & Spain.It includes the organisation of 5 mobilities for youth workers and young people as well as the creation of 3 resources: the platform, the mobile app and a booklet. The Employability Training Course Our workshop is tailored to help young people improve their communication and job skills, so they can ace job interviews, stand out as a strong candidate, and make a great impression on potential employers in the workplace! From CV writing to marketing, you will take an active role in different practical activities that will: Each day will be led by different experts and will focus on different topics, including: We’ll help you build confidence, hone your networking & communication skills & become job ready.  You will also have the chance to meet with peers from all over Europe and exchange experiences and ideas on the labour market and job skills! When and Where? Dates: from the 30th January to the 3rd February Start & End time: 3pm (GMT) – 6pm (GMT) Place: online on Zoom Who can participate? The training course is open to all people aged 18+ who live in Ireland, Portugal, Poland, Romania and Spain! Participants will be required to participate for the full duration of the course to receive a certificate of attendance. How can I register? The training course is completely free and funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. To register, click on the link here and download your Eventbrite ticket! If you know someone who is interested in the course or you are a youth worker and wants to involve your young people, share the link and contact us to get more information!

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Employability Skills – Free Resources

As part of the Erasmus+ Shape Your Future project, we created some digital resources for young people with useful job interview tips! We worked with our partners in Portugal, Spain, Romania and Poland to create these materials, making them comprehensive for young people across Europe and provide useful job interview tips. You will find all the digital resources here below! They are FREE to use and download, and we will pilot them during the Shape Your Future online employability training course in January 2023! The Project The Shape Your Future project is designed to help disadvantaged young people find opportunities in the labour market and develop entrepreneurial skills. It also targets youth workers and their need to adapt to the online environment during and after the pandemic.The project involves 5 partner countries in the creation of 3 main digital outputs: the platform, the mobile app and a booklet.It also includes the organisation of 5 mobilities: 3 job shadowing for youth workers in Portugal, Ireland & Spain, a training course and a youth exchange in Romania. Guidebook Our guidebook is an extensive guide to communication and interview skills! We created it during our Jobshadowing in Ireland in 2021 and we made sure it is clear and easy-to-read. It contains practical information for young people to sharpen their skills, perform well and make a good impression on employers on a job interview! You can download the Guidebook here and also use it as a guide to test yourself in our exercise below! Videos In these videos created by participants of the Job Shadowing in Dublin, we show you what you should and shouldn’t do in an interview! This resource can be used for teaching employability and interview techniques. There are two interview scenarios – an office job and a customer service job with examples of a bad and a good interview each! We have also prepared two exercises for you. Watch the videos and test your knowledge to learn some job interview tips (click here). Brochure This is an easy to read, visually stimulating quick guide to effective communication in your first interview! Check it out here! Booklet The Shape Your Future Booklet contains the non-formal education methods we developed and used with young people throughout the project!  It is a very comprehensive resource, containing in-person activities and online adaptations on a range of different topics! Youth workers and schools can easily use it to deliver training sessions and courses on employability, entrepreneurship and digital literacy. The booklet is available for free to download on the SYF Platform! Some of these methods will be piloted during our online employability training course in January 2023! Platform and Mobile App  The Shape Your Future Platform includes an updated list of volunteering and job opportunities around Europe. Young people can create a free account and insert their CV. They can also view the employers profile, apply directly and find contact information. With the Shape Your Future app, young people will receive notifications for new opportunities in their area and partner countries. Download the app via App Store or Google Play. The Platform also includes 3 free online courses on employability, communication and entrepreneurship.

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Job Interview Example Videos & Test Exercise 2

Following up the exercises from the Video #1 Office Interview, we have prepared another set of questions related to a second example video. This time, two young people are attending an interview for a customer service role. The first part shows you a bad example of a job interview, the second part shows you how to conduct and answer the interviewer’s questions correctly. The employer’s questions asked in each video are different, so make sure to watch them both!  You can download our free Guidebook on “Effective Communication Skills for Your First Job Interview” to help you with the questions. VIDEO #2 CUSTOMER SERVICE INTERVIEW 1 Watch Interview #1 (starts at 00:44 and ends at 04:19) and answers the questions below. QUESTIONS VIDEO #2 CUSTOMER SERVICE INTERVIEW 2 Watch Interview #2 (starts at 04:20 and ends at 10:05) and answer the questions below. QUESTIONS Did you miss the first part of the exercise series? You can find it here. We hope you find the videos useful and have as much fun watching them as we did making them! These job Interview example videos and the Guidebook were created as part of the Erasmus+ Shape Your Future Project, which is designed to help disadvantaged young people find opportunities in the labour market and develop entrepreneurial skills. We have created many more digital resources for young people and youth workers during the project. Check them out here! If you want to participate in our Erasmus+ projects, check our Facebook and Instagram pages to stay updated on upcoming opportunities!

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Job Interview Example Videos & Test Exercise 1

Back in August of 2021, we shot two great job interview example videos that showcased the dos and don’ts of a job interview. Each video was set in a different interview scenario and included both a bad and a good version of the same interview, helping jobseekers to better understand how to make a good impression on the employer. The employer’s questions asked in each video are different, so make sure to watch them both!  You can download our free Guidebook on “Effective Communication Skills for Your First Job Interview” to help you with the questions. VIDEO #1 OFFICE INTERVIEW 1 Watch Interview #1 (starts 0:44 and ends 04:41) and answer the questions below. QUESTIONS VIDEO #1 OFFICE INTERVIEW 2 Watch Interview #2 (starts 04:41 and ends 11:34) and answer the questions below. QUESTIONS NOW TRY VIDEO #2 CUSTOMER SERVICE INTERVIEW Now you have completed exercise 1, click here to try the 2nd exercise in the series. These job Interview example videos and the Guidebook were created as part of the Erasmus+ Shape Your Future Project, which is designed to help disadvantaged young people find opportunities in the labour market and develop entrepreneurial skills. We have created many more digital resources for young people and youth workers during the project. Check them out here! If you want to participate in our Erasmus+ projects, check our Facebook and Instagram pages to stay updated on upcoming opportunities!

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Erasmus+ Shape Your Future – TPM4 Romania

We recently met with our partners for the 4th Erasmus+ Shape Your Future Project Meeting! The TPM was hosted by our coordinator Youth Vision in Bucharest, Romania on the 11th and 12th of November 2022. The meeting gave us a chance to discuss future activities and further development of the project resources! The Project The Shape Your Future project is designed to help disadvantaged young people to find opportunities in the labour market and develop entrepreneurial skills. The project targets youth workers, and the platform, application and handbook will help them to work with youth more effectively. The Meeting Our coordinator started the meeting by presenting the final version of the booklet. It was revised based on feedback from all partners and will be uploaded to the Shape Your Future Platform.  We also discussed the launch of the Erasmus+ Shape Your Future mobile app! After creating an account on the platform, users can apply for and stay updated on any of the opportunities they are interested in directly on their mobile devices. The app is already available on Google Play Store for Android and will soon be available for all Apple users. We further planned the remaining project activities that will take place next year, including an online course for young people, the last Shape Your Future Project Meeting, and project multiplier events. The online course will take place at the beginning of February! Young people from partner countries will have the chance to meet and enhance their employability, entrepreneurship, and digital skills! We concluded the meeting by doing a brainstorming session about how to better disseminate the project resources. Partners shared best practices for promoting the Erasmus+ Shape Your Future booklet, platform, and app within their countries.  We also had a chance to explore the city of Bucharest and experience Romanian culture and cuisine! Check out the Shape Your Future FB page  for the latest news or to join the online course on employability for young people! Do you want to take part in Erasmus+ opportunities? Stay tuned on our Facebook page for updates on upcoming opportunities!

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New Opportunities and Jobs in Ireland

Are you looking for internships and jobs in Ireland and abroad? We have plenty available for you on our Shape Your Future Platform! Shape Your Future aims at the social inclusion of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and their integration into the labour market. The project also targets youth workers and responds to the challenges of working online with youth. The platform, application and handbook will help young people find existing opportunities in the labour market and develop entrepreneurial skills. Who can use the platform? The platform offers a variety of internships and jobs in Ireland and across Europe both for young people and youth workers. It will also enable employers, companies, NGOs and public institutions to look for suitable candidates for their organisations. You, as a young person or youth worker, have a chance to work, volunteer or do an internship in Romania, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Poland! And as a company owner or as a NGO, you have a chance to hire young people and receive volunteers and interns! What kind of opportunities can you find? You will find different types of opportunities available and you can decide which one works best for you! The platform is constantly updated with the latest volunteering, internships and job offers, as well as with Erasmus+ funded study visits and training across Europe!  Young people can browse open jobs in Ireland and opportunities in the countries involved in the project, as well as the profile of the employers! Contact information and websites are also available for candidates to learn more about the organisations and get in contact with them! How can you apply? It is very easy to apply for an opportunity! It requires only 3 steps! The layout is very user-friendly and you can filter opportunities by keywords, category, location and type. You will also receive a notification of the status of your application. What else? As part of the project, we have also created FREE downloadable resources for both young people and youth workers!  These include: Do you want to take part in funded Erasmus+ opportunities and travel abroad? Check out our FB page and website to get involved in our opportunities!

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Shape Your Future TPM 3 Spain Blog - HESL

Erasmus+ Shape Your Future – TPM 3 in Spain

We met up with our partners for the 3rd Erasmus+ Project Shape Your Future TPM in Salamanca hosted by Biderbost Boscan & Rochin SL. The Transnational Project Meeting took place on the 23rd and 24th of August 2022. This meeting was a great opportunity to present our work on the project and to discuss future plans. We were also able to visit some of the sites in Salamanca, which gave us a great opportunity to see some of the work that our partners are doing. The Shape Your Future is designed to help disadvantaged young people to find opportunities in the labour market and develop entrepreneurial skills. The project targets youth workers, and the platform, application and handbook will help them to work online with youth more effectively. Our partner hosted the Transnational Project Meeting on the 23rd and 24th of August in Salamanca. This meeting gave us a great opportunity to present our work on the project so far and to discuss future plans. We were also able to visit some of the project’s sites in Salamanca, which gave us a great opportunity to see the work that our partners are doing. On the second day, we decided on how to best promote the intellectual outputs. A dissemination plan was also drawn up to ensure we are able to reach as many people as possible. we discussed the mobile app (IO2), its content and its relation to the platform. Finally, we planned the online youth exchange that will take place in autumn! This youth exchange will enable young people to meet online with their peers from all over Europe, as well as to improve their skills in the fields of employability, entrepreneurship, and digital literacy. We have created a wealth of resources for both young people as well as youth workers. The resources for young people will vastly improve their employability skills, as well as help them find volunteering/job opportunities near them. To access these resources and apply for opportunities, click here. You can also create a free account and upload your CV! The booklet for youth workers and schools will help them deliver training sessions and courses on employability, entrepreneurship and digital literacy. The resource includes non-formal learning activities that can be implemented either online or in person. The booklet will be available for free to download on the SYF Platform! We are developing an app for young people, where they can receive notifications for new opportunities in their area and partner countries. Don’t forget to follow the official Facebook page for Shape Your Future to keep up-to-date on all activities.

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