We had an exicting time hosting the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ youth project on theatre and the Eu elections in Ireland! On the 10th and 11th of January, we met our partners from Germany, Greece and Portugal to organise the activities planned for the first 9 months of the ON STAGE project!

The project
‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ (ON S.T.A.G.E) is a KA210 youth project designed to empower young people (aged 18-30) in Germany, Ireland, Greece and Portugal to engage with political issues through theatre. It aims to promote civic engagement among disadvantaged youth, especially for those from ethnic minority backgrounds. They will develop critical citizenship skills and be encouraged to advocate for change by voting in the European elections, increasing their social participation. The projects includes local activities and 2 youth mobilities in Greece and Germany. Partners will create useful resources, including a project website, a Guidebook on participation in the EU elections for youth and Youth worker Toolkit on youths’ socio-political inclusion. The project has a Facebook page and Instagram page updated with all ongoing and scheduled activities.

The meeting – Day 1
The first meting day of our project on theatre and the Eu elections in Ireland started with partners introducing their work with youth. We also provided an overview of the upcoming project activities and partners’ roles, consolidating the project’s objectives and expected results.
We moved on discussing the effective strategies to reach the target group and involve them in the local youth activities. These will support the creation of the practical “Guidebook on participation in the EU elections for youth”.
We also agreed on set dates for the online theatre sessions and the first youth mobility in April in Greece.
The meeting ended with an exchange of good practices and a plan for dissemination and collaboration.

The meeting – Day 2
The second day started with a cultural tour of Dublin! We explored the city centre, passing by the city centre and the main city landmarks. We ended the day with a visit to the famous Jameson Distillery!
The meeting helped us set the groundwork for the project’s success! We look forward to start preparing young people for the forthcoming European elections through theatre!

Are you curious about the project and would like to take part? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, we will soon post information on how to sign up!