We are proud to announce that the Erasmus+ project ‘The Voice of Youth’ has been approved!
About The Project
‘The Voice of Youth’ project aims at empowering young journalists with media competencies, confidence and skills to make their voice heard. As a result, local communities and older generations will be more aware of the topics that are important to youth, as well as of the problems young people face. Promoting youth journalism will make young people a crucial part of their community and increase their role in the decision making process.

Aims and Objectives
The project aims to create an online learning platform for young journalists. The 12 courses will improve the media literacy skills of young journalists, and promote the voice of young people in journalism.
Project Activities
The project consists of three mobility activities in Estonia, Ireland and Hungary. In the meeting in Ireland, young journalists from all partner countries will be able to pilot the materials and give feedback for adjustments. The other activities will include the creation of the online platform and courses, and the translation of materials to Estonian, English and Hungarian.
The Partners

- Valikuvoimalus MTU (Estonia)
- HESL (Ireland)
- Grundtvig Institute KFT. (Hungary)
Project Duration
⏱ 14 months
📆 Start date: 01.09.2023
📆 End date: 31.10.2024
Programme Details
Programme: Erasmus+
Project Reference: 2023-1-EE01-KA210-YOU-000157315
Key Action: KA210-YOU Small-Scale
National Agency: EE01 – Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Estonian Agency