Our Online Employability Course was a great success!
From the 30th of January to the 3rd of February, we co-hosted online sessions about employability, digital skills and entrepreneurship as part of the Erasmus+ Shape Your Future Project. More than 40 young people and youth workers from Ireland, Romania, Poland, Portugal and Spain took part!
The Project

The Shape Your Future project is designed to help disadvantaged young people find opportunities in the labour market and develop entrepreneurial skills. The project also targets youth workers and its resources help them work with youth more effectively both in-person and online.
The project involves 5 partner countries: Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Romania & Spain.It includes the organisation of 5 mobilities for youth workers and young people as well as the creation of 3 resources: the platform, the mobile application for Apple and Android, and the booklet.

Day 1
On the first day of our online employability course, our Romanian coordinator Youth Vision introduced the project, the partnership and the aims of the online sessions. They also gave an overview of the three project outputs. Our Spanish partner BB&R carried out the second part of the session on the topic of fake news and coding. Participants also had the opportunity to increrase their digital skills with some practical exercises.

Day 2
The second day was lead by HESL, the Irish partner. Their sessions focussed on communication skills for successful job interviews. Young people learned successful tips to stand out as strong candidates and had the opportunity to do a mock interview. We created two free Test Exercises using the example videos filmed during our 2021 Job Shadowing in Dublin! Check out the first part here and make sure to try out the second part here .

Day 3
On the third day, our Portuguese partner Young Educators – European Association delivered a very interesting session about job skills in the workplace. Thanks to thier engaging role-play games, participants practiced conflict resolution in work place simulations. The second part of the session focussed more on self-presentation and job interview role-plays to practice the skills learned so far.

Day 4
The fourth day was dedicated to CV writing. Our Polish partner gave instructions and smart tips on how to write CV and resumé for job interviews. In the second part, young people practiced their writing skills by creating their CV on the Shape Your Future Platform.

Day 5
On the fifth and final day, our Portuguese partner took the lead once again to deliever two sessions on soft skills and workers’ rights and duties. Young people had the chance to share their experiences and their dream jobs, as well as to learn more about rights at the workplace.
Our Shape Your Future project is coming to an end soon but we have other projects you can take part in! Stay tuned on our Facebook page for upcoming opportunities!