‘Youth Eco-Activism in the EU’ Project Approved!

We are proud to announce that the Erasmus+ project ‘Youth Eco-Activism in the EU’ has been approved! About The Project ‘Youth Eco-Activism in the EU’ aims to raise awareness of the climate crisis among young people and provide them with the tools to take initiative and be actively involved in addressing these issues at local, national, and European levels. The project’s goal is to guide young people in creating their own social enterprises focused on mitigating climate change and to encourage more young people to engage in climate action through youth-led activism. Project Activities The project includes 4 work packages focused on online eco-activism, creating channels for political engagement, the creation of climate-focused, youth-led NGOs and a platform to be used by youth organisations and stakeholders at a local to EU level. There are 2 TPMs, 1 virtual TPM and 2 LTTAs that will be carried out in order to support the development of the work packages and increase cross-border cooperation, with multiplier events held in each country to widen the project’s impact. Impact The project aims to enhance youth engagement in both learning and eco-activism, simultaneously expanding access to high-quality learning opportunities and offering support to youth workers in their provision. It will introduce eco-activism to youth organisations, involve young individuals in climate activism, and establish a central hub for climate actions. Tangible outcomes from YEAEU will encompass toolkits and guides for eco-activism and political participation, as well as a platform that empowers young people to establish their own youth-led NGOs. The Partners Project Duration ⏱ 24 months 📆 Start date: 01.09.2023 📆 End date: 31.08.2025 Programme Details Programme: Erasmus+ Project Reference: 2023-1-FR02-KA220-YOU-000159007 Key Action: KA220-YOU Cooperation Partnerships National Agency: FR02 – Agence Erasmus+ France Jeunesse & Sport (Agence du Service Civique)

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‘Eco-Tourism for Social Entrepreneurship Health and Well-Being Among Youth’ Project Approved!

We are proud to announce that the Erasmus+ project ‘Eco-Tourism for Social Entrepreneurship Health and Well-Being Among Youth’ has been approved! About The Project The project ‘Eco-Tourism for Social Entrepreneurship Health and Well-Being Among Youth’ aims to empower young people in rural and urban communities to engage with their green areas and take innovative action towards fighting climate change through the promotion of ecotourism. By providing accessible opportunities and skills, the project seeks to foster eco-friendly mindsets and promote social entrepreneurship while addressing social and environmental challenges. Project Activities The project will include a range of local and transnational activities as well as the development of resources that will aid youth to become active citizens in their communities and agents for change. These will include: Impact The project will enable youth to become agents of change and take an active role in promoting sustainable tourism and supporting rural communities while addressing social and environmental challenges. They will learn the benefits of ecotourism and the importance of revitalising rural areas for cultural heritage, environmental sustainability, health, well-being and social entrepreneurship. The resources will be utilised by youth, youth workers and stakeholders at a local, national and EU level. The Partners Project Duration ⏱ 18 months 📆 Start date: 01.10.2023 📆 End date: 31.03.2025 Programme Details Programme: Erasmus+ Project Reference: 2023-2-EE01-KA210-YOU-000168495 Key Action: KA210-YOU Small-Scale National Agency: EE01 – Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Estonian Agency

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‘The Voice of Youth’ Project Approved!

We are proud to announce that the Erasmus+ project ‘The Voice of Youth’ has been approved! About The Project ‘The Voice of Youth’ project aims at empowering young journalists with media competencies, confidence and skills to make their voice heard. As a result, local communities and older generations will be more aware of the topics that are important to youth, as well as of the problems young people face. Promoting youth journalism will make young people a crucial part of their community and increase their role in the decision making process. Aims and Objectives The project aims to create an online learning platform for young journalists. The 12 courses will improve the media literacy skills of young journalists, and promote the voice of young people in journalism. Project Activities The project consists of three mobility activities in Estonia, Ireland and Hungary. In the meeting in Ireland, young journalists from all partner countries will be able to pilot the materials and give feedback for adjustments. The other activities will include the creation of the online platform and courses, and the translation of materials to Estonian, English and Hungarian. The Partners Project Duration ⏱ 14 months 📆 Start date: 01.09.2023 📆 End date: 31.10.2024 Programme Details Programme: Erasmus+ Project Reference: 2023-1-EE01-KA210-YOU-000157315 Key Action: KA210-YOU Small-Scale National Agency: EE01 – Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Estonian Agency

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‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ Project Approved!

We are proud to announce that the Erasmus+ project ‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ has been approved! About The Project ‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ (ON S.T.A.G.E) is a project designed to empower young people to engage with political issues through theatre. It aims to promote civic engagement among disadvantaged youth from ethnic minority backgrounds and those facing economic, geographical and cultural obstacles. They will develop critical citizenship skills and be encouraged to advocate for change by voting in the European elections, increasing their social participation. Aims and Objectives ON S.T.A.G.E. aims to empower young people as political actors, create accessible materials for the 2024 EU elections and promote social inclusion of marginalised youth and ethnic minorities in the national and EU political process. The project also aims to promote democratic culture and awareness in the EU. Project Activities The project includes two theatre-based LTTAs in Greece (Athens) and Germany (Berlin), during which participants will develop and showcase their creativity by writing, performing and recording their productions. Additionally, there will be a range of local activities addressing socio-political issues affecting youth, as well as webinars and multiplier events. The Partners Project Duration ⏱ 18 months 📆 Start date: 01.10.2023 📆 End date: 31.03.2025 Programme Details Programme: Erasmus+ Project Reference: 2023-1-DE04-KA210-YOU-000158862 Key Action: KA210-YOU small scale National Agency: DE04 – JUGEND für Europa

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Up root

‘Up-Root Eco-Democracy’ Project Approved!

We are proud to announce that the Erasmus+ project ‘Up-Root Eco-Democracy’ has been approved! About The Project The ‘Up-Root Eco-Democracy’ project aims to increase youth’s confidence in the EU’s ability to tackle climate change and increase youth voter turnout in the 2024 EU elections and beyond. Together, project partners will promote sustainable city development and green practices on a local to global scale, while simultaneously increasing youth’s capacity to research and advocate for environmental issues, promoting young voices in global debate. Aims and Objectives Additionally, the project aims to promote sustainable city development, increase capacity to engage in the democratic process, and increase EU awareness. It hopes to increase youth’s capacity to engage in political debate on climate change and sustainable development, while promoting young people’s voices in regional, national and European politics. Project Activities The project includes two LTTAs in Denmark (Copenhagen) and Türkiye (Cappadocia), where youth will learn about democracy, the environment and sustainable city development. Additionally, the project includes youth-led webinars! The Partners Project Duration ⏱ 18 months 📆 Start date: 01.09.2023 📆 End date: 28.02.2025 Programme Details Programme: Erasmus+ Project Reference: 2023-1-SE02-KA210-YOU-000158042 Key Action: KA210-YOU Small-Scale National Agency: SE02 – Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (MUCF)

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Call For Participants! Social Entrepreneurial Skills Youth Exchange

Are you between the ages of 18 to 30? Do you live in Ireland? Want to learn more about entrepreneurship? If yes, our Erasmus + Entrepreneurship Youth Exchange is perfect for you! The Project Social Entrepreneurial Skills for Advancing Employability (SESAE) is an Erasmus + project that aims to raise awareness about entrepreneurship among European youth through fostering entrepreneurial skills, sharing best practices and promoting social responsibility. The project involves organisations and youth from Ireland, Ukraine, Germany, Georgia, Moldova and Turkey, and fosters intercultural dialogue among youth. The Opportunity This Erasmus + Social Entrepreneurship Youth Exchange takes place in the Cavan Centre, Country Cavan, and lasts from September 18 to September 29. We will provide transportation from and to Dublin. You’ll have the chance to take part in and develop activities, learn about entrepreneurship and setting up a business, visit key NGOs and chat with your peers form across Europe! At the end of the event, you’ll have: How To Apply? If you are aged 18 – 30 and currently residing in Ireland or one of the partner countries and would like to take part in the amazing opportunity. Please complete our online application form. The project is funded by Erasmus+ Programme, and participants’ costs, including transportation, accommodation and food, will be covered by the Programme and provided by the organisers.

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‘Social Entrepreneurial Skills for Advancing Employability’ Project Approved!

We are proud to announce that the Erasmus+ project ‘Social Entrepreneurial Skills for Advancing Employability’ has been approved! About The Project Partner organisations, driven by the aspirations of young people to foster entrepreneurship projects and initiatives in their local areas and beyond, developed a project to enhance entrepreneurship skills in youth across Europe. This project was motivated by the desire to reduce unemployment issues, thus promoting better career opportunities and more productive job prospects for the youth of today, as well as for future generations. To gain further insight into these worrying issues, a survey was conducted among 600 young people from six countries – Ireland, Turkey, Georgia, Germany, Ukraine, and Moldova – with 100 participants from each country. The survey results unveiled that an alarming 68.6% of the respondents were unemployed due to incompatible work schedules, 56.7% had never been employed, and an overwhelming 72.4% were still jobless. These results emphasised the need to raise knowledge of entrepreneurship and stimulate young people to become employers rather than subordinates. Aims and Objectives The main objective of the project is to improve entrepreneurship skills, increase willingness to develop, organise, and manage a business venture with associated risks to make a profit among 18-30 year olds. Additionally, the project aims to:  Desired Outcomes:  Project Activities ‘Social Entrepreneurial Skills for Advancing Employability’ features a Youth Exchange, hosted by HESL in Ireland. During this 10-day activity, 36 participants will come together to take part in a range of sessions, workshops and presentations geared towards improving employment prospects and entrepreneurial capabilities of young people. The Partners The project partners are made up of 5 organisations, including: Project Duration ⏱ 12 months 📆 Start date: 5th January 2023 📆 End date: 4th January 2024 Programme Details Programme: Erasmus+ Project Reference: 2022-3-IE01-KA152-YOU-000098139 Key Action: KA152-YOU – Mobility of young people National Agency: IE01 – Léargas the Exchange Bureau Learn more about our Erasmus Plus projects, training courses and activities.

‘Social Entrepreneurial Skills for Advancing Employability’ Project Approved! Read More »

Erasmus+ 2023 Deadlines

2023 Erasmus+ Deadlines Announced

The first of the 2023 Erasmus+ deadlines have been announced! Erasmus+ Deadlines Updated: 23/12/2022 Adult Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education (KA121-ADU) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) School Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education (KA121-SCH) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) VET Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in vocational education and training (KA121-VET) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Higher Education Erasmus accreditation for higher education mobility consortia (KA130-HED) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Youth Accredited projects for youth mobility (KA151-YOU) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Adult Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education (KA122-ADU) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) VET Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in vocational education and training (KA122-VET) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) School Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education (KA122-SCH) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Higher Education Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by internal policy funds (KA131-HED) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Higher Education Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds (KA171-HED) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Youth Mobility of young people (KA152-YOU) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Youth Mobility of youth workers (KA153-YOU) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Youth Youth participation activities (KA154-YOU) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Youth DiscoverEU inclusion action (KA155-YOU) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Sport Mobility of sport staff (KA182-SPO) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) European Solidarity Corps Solidarity projects (ESC30-SOL) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) European Solidarity Corps Quality label decentralised (ESC50-QLA) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) European Solidarity Corps Volunteering projects (ESC51-VTJ) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Higher Education Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds (KA171-HED) 23 February 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Adult Small-scale partnerships in adult education (KA210-ADU) 22 March 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) School Small-scale partnerships in school education (KA210-SCH) 22 March 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) VET Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training (KA210-VET) 22 March 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Youth Small-scale partnerships in youth (KA210-YOU) 22 March 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Adult Cooperation partnerships in adult education (KA220-ADU) 22 March 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Higher Education Cooperation partnerships in higher education (KA220-HED) 22 March 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) School Cooperation partnerships in school education (KA220-SCH) 22 March 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) VET Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training (KA220-VET) 22 March 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Youth Cooperation partnerships in youth (KA220-YOU) 22 March 2023 at 12:00 pm (Brussels time) Which Key Action Is For You? Key Action 1: Learning mobility of individuals Learning mobility opportunities aim to encourage the mobility of students, staff, trainees, apprentices, youth workers and young people. The role of the organisations in this process is to organise these opportunities for individuals. The benefits for the organisations include an increased capacity to operate at an international level, improved management skills, access to more funding opportunities and projects, increased ability to prepare, manage, and follow-up projects, a more attractive portfolio of opportunities for students and staff at participating organisations, the opportunity to develop innovative projects with partners from around the world. Find out more about Key Action 1: Learning mobility of individuals Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions The cooperation among organisations and institutions is expected to result in the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices at organisational, local, regional, national or European levels. Find out more about Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions Key Action 3: Support for policy reform Opportunities under this Key Action contribute to supporting the overall EU policy agenda, the Education and Training 2020 cooperation framework, and the Youth Strategy. Organisations will contribute to improving the quality of education, training, and youth systems in Europe, as well as promoting transnational learning and cooperation between authorities. They will also contribute to developing the basis for evidence based policy-making, as well as supporting networks and tools for policy implementation. Organisations will also contribute to improving the involvement of young people in democratic life and their engagement with politicians. Find out more about Key Action 3: Support for policy reform Other Actions Jean Monnet Opportunities for teaching, research, and policy debate on the EU and its policies. Find out more about Jean Monnet Actions Sport Designed to develop and implement joint activities to promote sport and physical activity, identify and implement innovative activities in the field of sport, and manage not-for-profit events to increase participation in sport. Find out more about Sport

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New Opportunities and Jobs in Ireland

Are you looking for internships and jobs in Ireland and abroad? We have plenty available for you on our Shape Your Future Platform! Shape Your Future aims at the social inclusion of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and their integration into the labour market. The project also targets youth workers and responds to the challenges of working online with youth. The platform, application and handbook will help young people find existing opportunities in the labour market and develop entrepreneurial skills. Who can use the platform? The platform offers a variety of internships and jobs in Ireland and across Europe both for young people and youth workers. It will also enable employers, companies, NGOs and public institutions to look for suitable candidates for their organisations. You, as a young person or youth worker, have a chance to work, volunteer or do an internship in Romania, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Poland! And as a company owner or as a NGO, you have a chance to hire young people and receive volunteers and interns! What kind of opportunities can you find? You will find different types of opportunities available and you can decide which one works best for you! The platform is constantly updated with the latest volunteering, internships and job offers, as well as with Erasmus+ funded study visits and training across Europe!  Young people can browse open jobs in Ireland and opportunities in the countries involved in the project, as well as the profile of the employers! Contact information and websites are also available for candidates to learn more about the organisations and get in contact with them! How can you apply? It is very easy to apply for an opportunity! It requires only 3 steps! The layout is very user-friendly and you can filter opportunities by keywords, category, location and type. You will also receive a notification of the status of your application. What else? As part of the project, we have also created FREE downloadable resources for both young people and youth workers!  These include: Do you want to take part in funded Erasmus+ opportunities and travel abroad? Check out our FB page and website to get involved in our opportunities!

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Equipping Educators Scheme

Equipping Educators Scheme

Starting January 2023, we are launching our Equipping Educators Scheme. This scheme is designed for schools and VET colleges whose teachers take part in Erasmus+ funded training courses. We understand that for institutions, securing funds for equipment and resources can be limited and while many countries may not face these challenges, many others are restricted in being able to provide quality education with adequate resources. Limited funding is a major issue, and it often means that students have to make do with outdated or insufficient materials. Limited resources can have a serious impact on students’ learning and achievement. By working to overcome this problem, educators can ensure that their students have the tools they need to succeed. This is where the Equipping Educators Scheme can help. For each group attending, you will receive vital equipment or resources used during the training, free of charge. You will not only learn how to use the equipment during the course but be able to take the equipment back to your institution to be used in the classroom. How The ‘Equipping Educators Scheme’ Works We have a range of courses that are eligible for the Equipping Educators Scheme. Simple view the course list and select a training course with the Equipping Educators Scheme logo featured. The groups must fall into the following criteria: Eligible Equipment/Resources *All electronic equipment will be supplied with the standard warranty/guarantees. How To Apply For The ‘Equipping Educators Scheme’ Simply visit our list of courses and choose an applicable course. Once booked, you are automatically enrolled into the scheme. Need Further Information? If you are a school or VET college who is interested in applying for the scheme, we encourage you to get in touch. We would be happy to answer any questions you have, and we look forward to supporting you in your work with students.

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