Your Vote, Your Future – Make It Count in the EU Elections 2024!

The EU Elections 2024 are just around the corner, taking place from the 6th – 9th June 2024. As young people, your voice matters more than ever. The decisions made in these elections will shape the future of Europe, impacting everything from climate policies to education programmes, and beyond. Here at HESL, we understand the value of youth participation and want to empower you to make a difference. Here’s why your vote is crucial and how you can make sure it counts. Why You Should Vote? Voting in the European elections is not just a right; it’s a responsibility and an opportunity. By casting your vote, you are directly influencing the direction of the European Union. Your vote helps to: How to Vote: Step-by-Step Guide The EU Commission has made it easy for you to find out how to vote. Simply visit their dedicated website (, select your country, language and click OK. Additionally, on this page, you can find other useful information about why you should vote in the next European elections, how the elections work, and what is being done to ensure they remain free and fair. Additionally, you can follow the 2024 election results as they come in, review past election outcomes, and access easy-to-read explanations about the elections. To help spread the word, explore our collection of free-to-download campaign materials designed to amplify your message. Once you have selected your country and language, you will be taken to a page that shows voting information for your chosen country. Here, you will find a list of options, including: Make Your Voice Heard! Your vote is your voice, and it has the power to shape the future of the European Union. By participating in the upcoming EU elections 2024, you are taking an active role in the democratic process and helping to create a Europe that reflects your values and aspirations. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a difference. Remember, the elections are only six days away. Make sure you’re registered, informed, and ready to cast your vote. Encourage your friends and family to do the same—every vote counts. Let’s come together to ensure a brighter future for Europe. Your vote matters. Make it count. For more information and to begin your voting journey, visit the European elections page today. What To Take Part in Our Erasmus+ Projects? We are currently implementing a range of Erasmus+ projects centred around the EU Elections 2024, political engagement and the environment. If you are aged 18 – 30, you can take part in some of our local and international activities coming up over the next few months. Up-Root Eco-Democracy The ‘Up-Root Eco-Democracy’ project aims to increase youth’s confidence in the EU’s ability to tackle climate change and increase youth voter turnout in the 2024 EU elections and beyond. Together, project partners will promote sustainable city development and green practices on a local to global scale, while simultaneously increasing youth’s capacity to research and advocate for environmental issues, promoting young voices in global debate (learn more). YEA EU – Youth Eco-Activism in the EU ‘Youth Eco-Activism in the EU’ aims to raise awareness of the climate crisis among young people and provide them with the tools to take initiative and be actively involved in addressing these issues at local, national, and European levels. The project’s goal is to guide young people in creating their own social enterprises focused on mitigating climate change and to encourage more young people to engage in climate action through youth-led activism (learn more). ON S.T.A.G.E ‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ (ON S.T.A.G.E) is a project designed to empower young people to engage with political issues through theatre. It aims to promote civic engagement among disadvantaged youth from ethnic minority backgrounds and those facing economic, geographical and cultural obstacles. They will develop critical citizenship skills and be encouraged to advocate for change by voting in the European elections, increasing their social participation (learn more).

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World Environment Day Webinar & Workshop

We are combining World Environment Day celebrations with the upcoming European election in our free online webinar of the 5th of June! The event is open to all (aged 18+) but is specifically targeted to young people (aged 18-30). Through a mix of presentations, roundtable discussions and workshops with people all over Europe, you will gain invaluable and thought-provoking insight on topics including: Sign up now via Eventbrite During the webinar, you will also have the chance to voice your opinions and discuss some real-life examples of sustainable practices, as well as take part in a range of activities that increase your ability to affect positive change in the EU. The event is part of the Erasmus+ youth projects “Up-Root Eco-Democracy” and “Eco-Tourism For Social Entrepreneurship Health & Well-Being”. Let’s unite our voices and actions for a greener, more sustainable world. Together, we can make a difference! Sign up now via Eventbrite

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Eco-friendly routes & sustainable tourism | Erasmus + youth mobility in Estonia

We flew to Estonia in April for our 1st youth mobility as part of the Erasmus+ “Eco-tourism for Social Entrepreneurship, Health, and Well-being” project! Our Estonian partner hosted young people from Ireland, Portugal and Romania to work on eco-friendly routes and tips for sustainable tourism! The project ‘Eco-Tourism for Social Entrepreneurship Health and Well-Being Among Youth‘ is a KA210 youth project that aims to empower young people in rural and urban communities to engage with their green areas and take innovative action towards fighting climate change through the promotion of ecotourism. The project involves young people and youth organisations from Estonia, Ireland, Portugal and Romania, which will be involved in local activities, webinars and 2 mobilties. During the project, a booklet, a website and an app will also be created. The project has a Facebook page and Instagram page updated with all ongoing and scheduled activities. Day 1 –  Embracing sustainability The first day began with an introduction session with ice-breaker activities to get to know each other. We visited the youth centre and got the chance to learn more about Estonian youth work. In the afternoon, we started working on the project’s booklet. Each group presented the eco-friendly routes they had created during the local activities. We received useful feedback and we shared our ideas regarding the eco-friendly measure our country should adopt to enable eco-tourism. We finished off the day with a brainstorming session on the project’s app layout, which will be available soon! Day 2 – Exploring Paldiski On the second day, the group took part in an exciting excursion to Paldiski, a former Soviet Navy closed town. They had the chance to explore the surroundings and discuss nuclear waste disposal while reflecting on the importance of preserving the natural environment and our health. Day 3 – Advocating sustainable tourism Continuing the theme of sustainability, day three focused on finalising the eco-friendly routes and tips. We also discussed and compared tips for sustainable tourism, which provided valuable insights into responsible travel practices in our countries. In the afternoon, young people visited Rummu and learned about the requalification of an abandoned prison and flooded quarry, a local project for environmental conservation and heritage preservation. Day 4 – Reflection and Tallinn visit As the mobility drew to a close, young people were given space to reflect on their experience, provide feedback and learn about the Youthpass certificate. To end the activity with a bang, we all took a day trip to Tallinn! We explored the city together and put into practice the eco-friendly routes and tips discussed! What’s next? The second and final mobility for this project is going to take place in Romania from the 8th to the 11th of October! We’re looking for 6 young people to take on this Erasmus+ funded mobility, so sign up here and get in touch to learn more! Our  Facebook and Instagram pages are the best places to stay updated about all upcoming opportunities! We have a few coming up for young people all over Europe!

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Youth Mobility On Theatre and EU Elections in Greece | Erasmus+ ON S.T.A.G.E. Project

What a creative week we just spent combining puppet theatre and discussions about the EU elections in Greece! We were hosted by our Greek partner Prasin Aloga from the 17th to the 21st April to shoot the first theatre performance of the Erasmus+ ONSTAGE project. We came up with an original story to talk about the importance of expressing our voices and convince more young people to vote for the European Elections this June! The project ‘Social Theatre for the Active Generation in the EU’ (ON S.T.A.G.E) is a KA210 youth project designed to empower young people (aged 18-30) in Germany, Ireland, Greece and Portugal to engage with political issues through theatre. It aims to promote civic engagement among disadvantaged youth, especially for those from ethnic minority backgrounds. They will develop critical citizenship skills and be encouraged to advocate for change by voting in the European elections, increasing their social participation. The projects includes local activities and 2 youth mobilities in Greece and Germany. Partners will create useful resources, including a project website, a Guidebook on participation in the EU elections for youth and Youth worker Toolkit on youths’ socio-political inclusion. The project has a Facebook page and Instagram page updated with all ongoing and scheduled activities. DAY 1 – 17th April On the first day, we met to start finalising the story we drafted during the online theatre preparation sessions. Each participant also had the chance to create their own puppet character from scratch under the guidance of our Greek expert partner. DAY 2 – 18th April On the second day, participants worked on their connection to their character and found its space in the story. They also practised how to move the puppet on stage, making it look as natural as possible in its movements and finding a way to express their emotions and voices through its presence on the stage. In the afternoon, we got the chance to explore Athens! We visited the stunning Acropolis, walked in streets of the ancient city and browsed around the ancient Agora! For many of us, this was a memorable moment, as we explored the places where our contemporary ideas of democracy and politics discussed during the local activities and online sessions stemmed from. DAY 3 – 19th April On the third day, the group rehearsed the main performance! Participants created their small dialogues and got the chance to test the story, bringing their puppets finally alive and interacting with each other. DAY 4 – 20th April On the forth day, we shot the video of the final performance! Participants also got the chance to express their preferences on the background music and the outro for the final product. We also got the chance to learn more about our countries thanks to the cultural night! We tried a little bit of everything, from the Irish dance to the Portuguese karaoke, passing by Greek olives and cheese and German tong twisters! DAY 5 – 21st April On the fifth and last day, we had a collective reflection on the experience, where participants shared their feedback and emotions felt throughout the week. We also had our certificate ceremony and participants got to learn more about the Youthpass certificate. What about the theatre performance story? Are you curious to see what young people came up with during the week? We will release and promote the final video on our upcoming webinar on June 20th at 5:30pm (Irish time)! Get in touch to receive the link! Sneak peak: it includes spiders, giants, ghosts and a flying character! How is this related to democracy and the EU elections? It’s up to you to find out! What’s next? The next phase of the project includes the finalisation of the project’s Guidebook on Youth Participation in the European Elections. This includes information on ethnic minorities struggles and non-formal methods for youth workers to address and discuss these topics and the youth involvement in the EU elections. It will be available for free to use and download! More information coming soon on our Facebook and Instagram! The project will continue with the preparation of the second and final mobility, planned for October 2024. We will fly to Germany and interact on a stage theatre! Are you interested in taking part? We are looking for 3 participants willing to travel and experiment with stage theatre! Sign up here to take part and contact us to get more information!

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Youth Mobility in Copenhagen Yea Eu project

Youth activism and EU elections | Erasmus+ Mobility in Denmark | YEA – EU Project

In March, we got the chance to travel to Copenhagen as part of our “Youth Eco Activism in the EU” Erasmus+ project! Hosted by Copenhagen Youth Network, we discussed the Eu elections and youth eco-activism with young people and youth workers from Ireland, France, Denmark, Portugal, Italy and Romania! Day 1 – EEA & Copenhagen We kicked off the mobility with a warm welcome and an energising activity to get everyone in the right spirit. In the afternoon, we took part in an insightful study visit at the European Environment Agency (EEA). This offered a deep dive into the European agency work, its contribution to the EU environmental studies and agenda. They also presented the internship opportunities available at the European Union and answered our questions on how to take part. We also went on a great Copenhagen cultural tour delivered by one of the Danish young people. Day 2 – Eu elections & youth civic engagement Saturday 9th March was a very intense day!  We started with a thought-provoking roundtable discussion focused on the common obstacles faced by youth in society concerning civic and political engagement, as well as voting. Participants shared their insights and experiences, as well as suggested some strategies to increase participation and awareness among younger generations. In the afternoon, participants developed practical infographics outlining the steps to register and vote in the upcoming June European elections. We finished off by discussing the role of the EU and the impact of the elections on shaping our future. The results of our discussions and the infographics are now available on our website and project’s social media! Day 3 – Mock elections & lobbying letters On Sunday 10th March, we focused on putting into practice what we had discussed and making our voices heard! We began with a mock EU election workshop, providing participants with hands-on experience of the electoral process and the opportunity to engage in lively debates on key issues. Following this, we conducted a workshop on creating lobbying letters to communicate their concerns and advocate for change at both local and EU levels. We ended the day with fun activities for the cultural night in true Erasmus spirit. Day 4 – Europa Experience visit On Monday 11th March, we met up in front of the Europa Experience building in Copenhagen. Young people got the chance to get more familiar with the MEPs at the European Parliament and to discuss important European priorities. Day 5 – Youthpass and farewell The last day was all focussed on reflection, where young people shared their thoughts and feedback on the mobility, which will help organise the next meet-up in Portugal! Is there another mobility? Of course there’s another mobility! The next youth international activity will take place in Portugal in late November. There’s space for 5 young people so sign up here now to take part! Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to have more information regarding this and other opportunities for youth funded under the Erasmus+ programme! The Project ‘Youth Eco-Activism in the EU‘ is a KA220 youth project designed to raise awareness of the climate crisis among young people and equip them with the tools to take initiative and address these issues. Specifically, the project’s goal is to guide youth in creating their own social enterprises focused on mitigating climate change and to encourage more young people to engage in climate action through youth-led activism and participation in the EU elections in June 2024. The project involves young people and youth workers from France, Ireland, Portugal, Romania and Denmark. It includes local activities and 2 youth mobilities in 2024. Partners will also create two practical guidebooks on online activism and EU elections, and a platform with information to set-up youth-NGOs. The project has a Facebook page and Instagram page updated with all ongoing and scheduled activities.

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Voice of youth - young journalists

Erasmus+ Project The Voice of Youth | Young Journalists’ Meet-Up in Dublin

In February, we hosted our Estonian and Hungarian partners and aspiring young journalists for the second meeting of the Voice of Youth Erasmus+ project! The project ‘The Voice of Youth’ is a KA120 youth project involving aspiring young journalists from Ireland, Estonia and Hungary, which aims at promoting youth journalism in local communities. Young people will develop key media and digital competencies, confidence and critical thinking skills thanks to the e-platform that will be developed during the project. The meeting The meeting took place on the 9th and 10th of February, with young people and project partners discussing the first results created. Each partner presented the first video developed for the platform and received feedback from both staff members and young people. The feedback will be very important to create the rest of the materials based on young people’s preferences and suggestions. One video was about the ethics of journalism and the challenges young journalists may encouter during their carrer. The second video was an instruction guide on how to use buffer to schedule posts and promote your articles. The third video was giving useful advice on how to write a newsarticle. After the meeting, we visited a local youth centre, where participants got the chance to learn more about youth work in Ireland, especially for youth from disadvantaged backgrounds. We also took the group out in the city to explore Dublin! We visited the main landmarks, which included the Spire, GPO, O’Connor Street and Bridge, Trinity College Dublin, Molly Malone and the Temple Bar! What’s next? Are you passionate about video-making or the projec’s topics?  In the upcoming months, we will be developing the materials with the help of local youth! Do you want to improve your skills in marketing, social media, photography, journalism and more? Contact us! The next and final mobility for this project is planned for the 17th and the 18th September 2024. We have space for 3 young people to come along with us! Sign up for it here now! Also, don’t forget to follow our Facebook Page or Instagram for more details and opportunities in Ireland and abroad!

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Up-Root Eco-Democracy | Erasmus+ Mobility in Copenhagen, Denmark

In February, our Erasmus+ Youth Ambassadors met in Copenhagen, Denmark for our first Up-Root Eco-Democracy Erasmus+ mobility. Our Youth Ambassadors from Ireland, Turkey, Denmark, Sweden, and Portugal had a lot of fun learning about addressing climate change by voting in the EU elections. The project Up-Root Eco-Democracy is a KA120 youth project aiming to empower youth by increasing awareness about the EU, democratic processes, and climate change. With the upcoming European Parliament elections in mind, the project aims to enhance youth participation in democracy. The project hopes to instil a sense of responsibility and activism among the youth, equipping them with the tools to shape the future and address the pressing issue of climate change. Up-Root has a Facebook page and Instagram page updated with all ongoing and scheduled activities. Young people will be engaged in local activities, online webinars and one more upcoming mobility in Turkey. Day 1 During the first day of our Erasmus+ activity on Tuesday, we learned a bit more about each other as well as about the EU. We began with some ice breaker exercises so that everyone would feel welcome and included. Before jumping into learning about democracy in the EU, our Danish host led team building activities, where Youth Ambassadors shared their personal stories through painting colorful mandalas. Our first session was an interactive seminar on EU legislation, jurisdiction and activities. Young people played a matching game about EU country flags in which they learned about each EU member states. Then, participants got introduced to the roles of EU parliament. Our Ambassadors discussed how the EU does and could address climate change in areas including tech, inclusion, production and sales as well as city planning. Then we discussed how voting in the upcoming EU elections empowers youth to address climate change globally! Our Youth Ambassadors found out how different countries arrange their EU elections. We learned about different voting methods and their implications on election outcomes. As our final activity, we held mock elections to select a president and vice president to represent our Youth Ambassadors during the remainder of our visit. The Ambassadors had fun selecting their candidates, collaboratively writing their pitches, delivering them and finally actually voting using the Two-Round Voting System. The day set a dynamic tone, laying the groundwork for a week of collaborative learning and cultural exchange. Day 2 The second day started with an energizer led by the Irish Ambassadors, preparing us for a day filled with group activities. In preparation for our visit to the European Environment Agency (EEA) on Thursday, we researched what the EEA does to prevent the climate crisis, and what their role is in the EU’s decision making processes. Ambassadors read the EEA’s research on nature, health, sustainability and economy. We then came up with questions to ask during our upcoming visit. Finally, our president and vice-president led a youth ambassador meeting to finalise the questions. After lunch, our Danish host took us on a beautiful walking tour of Copenhagen. We walked by the city’s famous attractions, like the City Hall, Tivoli, Frue Plads, and got the opportunity to learn the history and stories behind them. Day 3 The third day gave us the opportunity to visit the European Environmental Agency (EEA). The EEA’s staff members and interns held an insightful presentation about the Agency. Ambassadors learned about their roles and responsibilities in tackling environmental issues and climate change. Additionally, we were informed about traineeship opportunities in the EEA. At the end, Ambassadors asked their questions and received transparent and informing answers. After our visit, we held a debriefing session, during which the Ambassadors shared their thoughts. We ended the day with a fun and playful cultural night. Our Ambassadors from across the continent shared their culture with us through delicious food, traditional dances and gleeful quizzes! Day 4 Our last day of the Up-Root Democracy Project Mobility in Copenhagen, Denmark was all about reflection, feedback and farewell. Our host held a reflection and feedback session where young people shared their feelings, thoughts and compared their expectations about the mobility with their current experiences. We awarded our Youth Ambassadors with certificates to acknowledge their hard work and learning. After the certification ceremony and it was time to say goodbye to our new friends until we see again during the next mobility in Cappadocia, Turkey. Did you miss this opportunity to use democracy to battle climate change? Do you want to join us for our upcoming activities? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more information on this and upcoming Erasmus+opportunities. We have plenty coming up in 2024!

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Environmental Activism, EU Elections & Entrepreneurship: Erasmus+ Youth Project Kick-Off in Toulouse

We just came back from Toulouse, France for the kick-off meeting of our Erasmus+ Youth Project connecting environmental activism, the EU elections & entrepreneurship! Our French coordinator hosted us and our partners from Romania, Portugal, Denmark and Italy on the 27th and 28th January to discuss the first 12 months of our groundbreaking project “Youth Eco Activism in the EU”. The Project ‘Youth Eco-Activism in the EU‘ is a KA220 youth project designed to raise awareness of the climate crisis among young people and equip them with the tools to take initiative and address these issues. Specifically, the project’s goal is to guide youth in creating their own social enterprises focused on mitigating climate change and to encourage more young people to engage in climate action through youth-led activism and participation in the EU elections in June 2024. The project involves young people and youth workers from France, Ireland, Portugal, Romania and Denmark. It includes local activities and 2 youth mobilities in 2024. Partners will also create two practical guidebooks on online activism and EU elections, and a platform with information to set-up youth-NGOs. The project has a Facebook page and Instagram page updated with all ongoing and scheduled activities. The Meeting – Day 1 The first day of our kick-off meeting delved into essential aspects of the project. The meeting opened with the partner introductions and the revision of the project’s objectives, timeline and target groups. This ensured a clear direction for our collective efforts in the coming months. Partners moved on discussing the core elements of the first 12 months of the project. We focused on brainstorming topics and approaches for the first module of activities and resources on Youth Online Activism. Local activities are about to start in all partner countries to create The Toolkit, a comprehensive guide to online eco-activism. This will equip our youth with the tools needed to make a meaningful impact in the digital realm. After lunch, we went in depth regarding the second module – Impacting the EU Agenda. We discussed the arrangements of the first 5-day mobility of the project. Young people will have the chance to go to Denmark, discuss the role of the EU and visit the EEA! Stay tuned on our social media to learn how to apply. We ended the meeting discussing the development of the project’s “Guidebook for youth political engagement”, strategic dissemination plans and documentation procedures. The Meeting – Day 2 The second day was dedicated to the exploration of Toulouse! We visited the main city centre and its landmarks, allowing for informal interactions and fostering a sense of connection among partners. All partners are thrilled to start involving enthusiastic young people and youth workers in our project. We truly believe this will be a transformative journey for youth and our communities! The next step will be activities in preparation for our youth project mobility on environmental activism and the EU elections. This will take place at the beginning of March in Copenhagen! So do you want to take part? Contact us and stay tuned for more information on our Facebook and Instagram page!

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Ecotourism in the EU

Ecotourism is a form of sustainable tourism that focuses on responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people. Here are some statistics from Ireland, Estonia, Portugal, and Romania: Photo: Connemara National Park Ecotourism in Ireland In 2022, 73% of Irish residents made at least one tourism trip for personal purposes. The country has a strong focus on sustainable tourism, with initiatives like the ‘Wild Atlantic Way’ and ‘Ireland’s Ancient East’ promoting responsible travel and conservation. Photo: Baltic Estonia Ecotourism in Estonia Estonia has a growing sector, with a focus on nature-based tourism and sustainable practices. The country has a diverse range of landscapes, from forests and lakes to coastal areas, making it an attractive destination for ecotourists. Photo: Madeira Beach Ecotourism in Portugal Portugal is another country with a strong focus on sustainable tourism, with initiatives like the Algarve Sustainable Tourism Charter promoting responsible travel and conservation. The country’s diverse landscapes, including beaches, mountains, and forests, make it an attractive destination for ecotourists. Photo: Peleș Castle Ecotourism in Romania Romania has a growing sector, with a focus on nature-based tourism and sustainable practices. The country’s diverse landscapes, including mountains, forests, and wetlands, make it an attractive destination for ecotourists. However, it is still developing, and there is a need for more sustainable practices and responsible tourism initiatives. Overall, ecotourism is becoming increasingly popular in Europe, with a focus on sustainable practices and responsible travel. Countries like Ireland, Estonia, Portugal, and Romania are embracing this trend, promoting ecotourism as a way to conserve natural areas and improve the well-being of local communities. Click here to find out more about our Erasmus+ project and to get involved!

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New Erasmus+ School Project on Peace and Democracy – Kick off in Ireland

We just met our partners from Italy, Turkey, Greece and France for the first meeting of the Erasmus+ school project on peace and democracy in Ireland! About the project “Building and supporting sustainable peace, social justice and democracy among young” is a KA210 school project educating secondary school students in humanitarian values through art, sports and social sciences. Thanks to the mobilities, they will be equipped with competences in peacebuilding and conflict prevention. About the meeting The meeting kicked off with the partners introductions and the outline of the project’s objectives and expected results. We then scheduled all the project international mobilities for this and next year. These will involve 2 teachers travelling to Italy in March and Greece in October. Next year, they will be travellling to France in January 2025 and Turkey in April 2025. We moved on establishing clear responsibilities among partners and discussed the mobility activities, the evaluation process and the project budget. The meeting ended with an insightful workshop on the etwinning platform that we will be using during the project. While in Dublin, partners also took part in some cultural activities in the city centre. We took them on a walking tour, passing by the main city landmarks and ending at the iconic Guinness Storehouse. The meeting resulted in all partners having a clear understanding of the project’s procedures, objectives and timeline, allowing us to carry out another successful project! If you are a secondary school and are interested in taking part, feel free to contact us! Check our Facebook and Instagram pages for updates on this and other Erasmus+ opportunities! Do you want to take part in more Erasmus opportunities? Find out our teacher training courses, here.

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